The week  before Christmas, 1984


(E281) Stallard St Bowyers buildings. Years ago, I was told, Mr Bowyer used to live in the house in the centre. Now it is a Nursery for the children of staff.


(E298) Bowyers nursery. Did you or your children go there or know anyone who did?


(E299) Main entrance to Bowyers Nursery.


(E276) Cradle Bridge with the Bowyers Admin building in the background.

Steve Lovering writes – E276  Foot bridge opposite the Town Bridge. (includes other pictures) cradle Bridge at the bottom of Mortimer street.


(E277) Cradle Bridge bus stop, with Bowyers factory in the background.


(E278) Roots Health Food shop on Stallard St, opposite the road from Bowyers factory for pork pies.


(E279) Roots Health Food window dressed for Christmas.


(E282) Flower shop at the top of Bythesea Road. As i recall it became the showroom for Roman Glass. Trowbridge Station in the background, with the office of a local Insurance Broker.


(E296) On the other side of the road, not sure what was here.

Steve Lovering writes –  E296  Holland Florist    Vic Holland the owner


(E295) Looking down Bythesea Road toward County Hall. The Territorial Army barracks were on the right past the house that became a hostel for recovering drug addicts.


(E286) PHEE store in Stallard St. Selling pipes and tobacco.


(E288) Vans parked in Castle St. outside Nationwide Building Society. The dress shop Reflections was next door for a few years.


(E292) Studley Mills on the right, one side of the River Biss.


(E293) and Bowyers office on the left side of the  River.


(E300) Bowyers staff taking a tea break. Factory staff used to work 8 hour shifts. 6 in the morning to 2, then 2 till 10, and the night shift from 10 till 6 in the morning.


(E301) Bowyers factory staff having a tea break.


(E302) Bowyers factory from Cradle Bridge.


(E303) Town Bridge with Bowyers factory in the background.


What memories do you have of Trowbridge in 1984?

If you do send a comment please add the Week and photo number, thanks.

Write to Julie Davis
Community History Advisor
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre,
Cocklebury Rd, Chippenham, SN15 3QN

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(c) 2017 images Mike Lloyd