‘TROWBRIDGE 1984’ WEEK 38 – September 17TH TO 23RD


(D349) Work continues at The George Hotel


(D351) Working on repairing a window.


(D353) A resident of Trowbridge in Church St.

Sally says – wk 38 D353 Mr May. Sally Bere


(D355) Peter Barclay a local accountant. Note the adding machine for totting up Income and Expenditures.


(D358) Cars leaving the car park in the evening at Tescos. Note this is the first Tescos, not the one that replaced the town swimming pool.


(D361) Night view in Trowbridge. Lambrok Road I think.

Hi, loving your photos. The road in image D361 is Newlands Road. You would have been standing at the junction with Lambrok Rd when taking the photo. Regards Kim Stickley


(D362) Kids going to Clarendon school on  Frome Road. Opposite Dave Perkins shop, and outside Sleightholmes Garage.


(D363) Driving up Newtown, which was a one way street in 1984. The shop is Tony Barker who sold sweets and drinks to school children. He was caught selling alcohol to kids under 18. He did ask and they said they were over 18. But that didn’t  help. And a short time later he closed up shop.

Yvonne  writes to say – (D363)   Tony was also a jeweller. he had a shop in Stallard street.


(D364) Walking to Newtown School on a damp September morning.


(D363) Top of Newtown opposite Holy Trinity church, which was the Garrison Church when Trowbridge was an Army base during the war.  Some of the parts for the RAF Spitfires were built on Bradley Road.


(D366) Vauxhall motor car. Number plate is quite old, but car is from the 70’s. Note the wing mirrors. If it was knocked out of place you had a great difficulty getting it back in line again.

Yvonne writes to say  (D366)   according to DVLA this car is TAXED.


(D368) Peter Riddiford, local councillor, ex Sergeant war veteran, property investor and man about town.


(D370) Carpet sale probably at  Civic Hall.


(D371) Lollipop lady at  The Down, Trowbridge


(D373) Off to Clarendon School, Sleightholmes garage in the background.


(D373) Cycling to school in Frome Rd.


(D375) Another Lollipop Lady, kids crossing Frome Rd  near Park St. Looks pretty wet there.


(D376) Someone at the ATM cash machine at the TSB in  Silver St.


Do you have any memories of Trowbridge?

Write to Julie Davis
Community History Advisor
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre,
Cocklebury Rd, Chippenham
SN15 3QN


and follow us on Facebook #trowbridge1984

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(c) 2017 images Mike Lloyd