Trowbridge 1984 week 29 – July 16th to 22nd

(B408) A source of income is a  joy forever. A large property on the corner of Wingfield Road and Avenue Rd divided into flats. One for sale  through Estate Agents Martin and Stratford. There had always been a number of independent Estate Agents in town. After deregulation of the financial system in the 1980’s many Estate Agents were bought by the Banks and Building Societies.

(B410) Milkman delivers  bottles of milk in Avenue Rd

Steve Kinghorn writes –  The milkman was known as Goggs he had a group known as Goggs and the Reefers

(B411) Milk float in Avenue Rd. A ubiquitous Moris Minor can be seen under the tree.

(B412) Houses in The Halve. The area was called the halve because, years ago, it occupied half an acre.

(B414) The Halve

(B415) The Half

(B431) River Biss flowing, largely unseen, through the town.

(B435) Lady at the Laundrette with packet of Persil in Timbrell St. Now the Rainbow Laundrette 2017.

(B437) The Armoury, Church St in the grounds of St James church, next to Lloyds Bank car park.

 In my last email I said the Armoury was near St Thomas’s church but B437 shows it near St James.  [John Baxter]

(B438) A dog in Charlotte Square, how big is that tree now I wonder?

What are your memories of Trowbridge in 1984?

Write to Julie Davis
Community History Advisor
Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre,
Cocklebury Rd, Chippenham
SN15 3QN

and follow us on Facebook #trowbridge1984

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(c) 2017 images Mike Lloyd